Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Why do I do this to myself?

Greetings all!
In less than 24 hrs., the Spiders will be taking on Doctor's, and my old buddy Bobby Rodgers. Bobby and I have been in many run-ins with each other. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many of his shots I have blocked! I think he just enjoys shooting the ball into my shins, thighs, stomach, chest, face (yes, all these places on my person), etc. At 35, with a bad case of arthritis, sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it. Then we get to the bar and I realize why I love playing with this group of guys. It's not just the winning (believe me, i've played on losing teams for years), it's the camaraderie, the bickering, etc. this team has so many in-fights (Harry-Ricky, Harry-Zav, Harry-Tonge, etc.) that you just gotta laugh.

Doctor's is burnt toast, i can smell it. Let's win this championship! I don't care how many bruises I end up with Friday morning, it'll all be worth it!



Balrog42 said...

We need to play our game ...the game that got us here...nothing less, then we need to step it up about and hour later

hvwahl77 said...

So I am a little challenging...